Menu HIV-SAM Project · Africans against HIV

Sexual health promotion and primary HIV-prevention

Primary HIV-prevention activities aim to create HIV-awareness in the Sub-Saharan African communities and are embedded in overall sexual health promotion activities. These include informing the different Sub-Saharan African communities about HIV and the various ways in which HIV can be transmitted and how to prevent HIV this, e.g. consistent condom use and regular HIV-testing. We try to reduce the taboo around sexuality and to promote open communication about sexual health and well-being.

Implementing our HIV prevention activities requires that we work closely with Sub-Saharan African community organizations. These organizations arrange information sessions in their own networks, set up information stands at big events and undertake outreach sessions. They reach people in their own community settings and environments, and on their own terms through interactive discussions and through free condom distribution activities . To support outreach volunteers in their activities, we offer trainings and we organize regular planning- and follow-up meetings. As part of our activities we have developed a series of leaflets and an interactive HIV prevention-tool.

HIV-prevention activities are only effective in an environment free of HIV-related stigma and discrimination. We fight stigma and discrimination by addressing prejudices existing within the community and beyond. In line with GIPA principles, our strongest tool in the fight against stigma are Sub-Saharan Africans living with HIV who are ready to give testimonials about their experience of living with HIV.

Many of our actions and tools are evidence-based or grounded in practice-based evidence, such as using best practices from other countries. We have conducted a community-based seroprevalence study, which serves as an evidence-base for HIV-prevention activities.


Do you want to join us in the fight against HIV?

Together we can raise greater awareness. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or supporting our program otherwise, please contact Dr. Charles Ddungu, responsible for primary HIV-prevention:

Muungano annual new year’s diner – 2024

In the cozy ’t Hof van Eden restuarant at Groenpaats, members Muungano peer support group supervised by AT4SH had thier traditional new year’s diner, on Saturday 24/02/24. The diner was attended by 12 members and two kids. A WhatsApp message on the group’s social media platform from one of the participants summarises the benefits of …

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Pilot workshop “Breaking the cycle: confronting HIV-related stigma and discrimination in African communities in real-life situations”

On a sunny Saturday we will pilot the workshop “Breaking the cycle: confronting HIV-related stigma and discrimination in African communities in real situations” in Ghent with 11 participants in collaboration with Basibomoko. Participation was very active, with many relevant questions about the complexity of HIV-related stigma as a social phenomenon. The workshop was rated 8/10, …

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First African communities’ prevention network meeting for 2024 (24/02/2024)

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COBA test Network Annual meeting – Barcelona

From the 24th – 26th January, Ddungu was in Barcelona for the annual meeting of COBA test network. The COBATEST Network links organizations across Europe and Central Asia who offer community-based voluntary counselling and STI/HIV testing (CBVCT) services and promotes testing, early diagnosis and linkage to care in groups/populations that at a high risk of …

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Peer support and learning weekend for people living with HIV

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Curious about the promotion of sexual health?

Read and discover:

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Curious about sexual health

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Get your booster vaccin

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