First African communities’ prevention network meeting for 2024 (24/02/2024)
The first African communities’ prevention network was a sucess. The meeting was attended by representatives of our four key organisations – Bilenge, Acasia, Edo Association and Basibomuko and individual volunteers. There was also a good balance in gender and age.
The topics of the meeting were:
1. All Together For Sexual Health (AT4SH) as the new official brand/name for our project within Sensoa.
2. Integeration of AT4SH within Sensoa: how do we affectively and constructively communicate this process in our communities ?
3. The enduring relevance community-based demedicalised HIV testing
4. Trainings and workshops for 2024:
a) “Confronting HIV-related stigma and discrimination in African communities in real-life situations”
b) “Breaking the taboo: communication between parents and their teenager children on sex and sexuality”.
5. How to be efficient and effective in outreach activities: planning and reporting.
There was a constructive exchange on how to make the workshops on communication on sex and sxuality successful in the wake of widespread conservative views on the topic from the so-called African evangelical churches and mosques.
All volunteers presented also signed their contract with All Together for Sexual Health@ Sensoa.
A big thank you to all participants!