Our Community Partners
Sub-Saharan African communities in Flanders are quite diverse and comprised of individuals from different countries. People’s social networks are often linked to their country of origin. Since the beginning of our project, we thus opted to involve community leaders and established HIV prevention networks to support us in implementing HIV-prevention activities. Since 2012, in addition to the HIV prevention networks, we have established formal collaboration with the following “key organisations”:
- Vzw Bilenge (DR Congo community, based in Antwerp)
- Edo Association Belgium v.z.w., (Nigerian community, based in East Flanders)
Our Professional Partners in Prevention:
- Helpcenter-ITG: Low threshold HIV and STI testing center in Antwerp
- Sensoa: Flemish expertise center for sexual health
- Violett : Low threshold sexual health services for sex workers
- Domus Medica: Umbrella organization for GPs in Flanders
- Sciensano: Scientific Institute Public Health
- BREACH: Belgian Research on AIDS and HIV consortium, we are involved in the Public Health Working Group
- Antwerpen city, sexual health team
- Inburgeringen, Integration courses for newcomers
- Plate-Forme prévention sida
- Observatoire du sida et des sexualités: Research center that offers insight of human and social sciences on issues related to sexuality
- Sida Sol asbl: An association occupied with the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of AIDS and other STIs.
- Doctors of the World: Centre open to anyone experiencing difficulties accessing health care
- Sida-IST Charleroi Mons
- Lhiving: psychosocial help to people with HIV or another chronic serious illness in an underprivileged situation and to their families