Menu HIV-SAM Project · Africans against HIV

European Testing Week 2021

All-Together-for-Health (AT4H), also known as the  HIV-SAM is dedicated to raising awareness of HIV testing, not only to promote the benefits for earlier HIV testing but most importantly to reduce late HIV diagnosis among affected populations in Belgium. Alongside hundreds of organizations participating in the European Testing Week, AT4H joins in the effort to increase …

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Breach’s call for abstracts was prolonged till 7 October 2021. The abstracts can be presented at the HIV and SARS-CoV-2 hybrid symposium on 21 October 2021.

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Best publication contest – BREACH Awards 2021

On behalf of our partners: Dear all,  For the sixth time – second time sponsored by ViiV – we will organize the “Best Belgian papers on HIV” contest.   Candidates who want to apply for the price need to submit their research work via a full peer reviewed paper to BREACH. Any professional working within the …

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Say yes to a Corona-Vaccin

Thinking of getting vaccinated against CORONA? Want to get it over with, without an appointment, without having to bring your papers, without rushing, … then check out the following places and dates. Go ahead and eliminate the risk of being infected with Covid-19. On to the next level of safety. * Wednesday 22 December from …

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Get vaccinated

If you want to get vaccinated against CORONA without appointment, without having to bring any papers, without any hustle, …check above mentioned locations and dates. Just go there and get rid of the risk of getting infected by Covid-19.

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Visit the Sensoa stand at the Pride Village (Operaplein) during the Antwerp Pride (14-15 August).If you want to help stop HIV, advertise their stand on your social media (see bottom of this message) and/or share the campaign spot HIV stops here (…) on your own social media as from Saturday August 14!How can you advertise? …

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Sex in 2060????

Save the date: De toekomst van seks (14 december)Wat betekent seksualiteit over 25 jaar? Zullen we nog fysiek seks hebben, of enkel online? Wie of wat zal in 2046 ons denken over seks beïnvloeden? Hoe zien relaties er over een kwarteeuw uit? Is de monogamie voorgoed gezwicht en heeft ze plaats geruimd voor gloednieuwe relatievormen? …

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You can receive your vaccination against COVID-19 on the dates and places below, without an appointment. You can get the J&J vaccine (1 vaccination is sufficient) if you are 18+ and a resident of the city of Antwerp, Stabroek, Wommelgem, Schoten and Borsbeek. Also people without a valid residence permit or in a precarious living …

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Jonger dan 26? Zeg je Vaccin-gedacht

Wil jij de wereld laten weten wat jongeren over het Covid-vaccin denken? Laat het ons weten. Jouw mening telt!!!!

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Do you want to help us in the fight against HIV

Who are we? The HIV-SAM Project implements sexual health promotion and prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) including HIV with Sub-Saharan African communities in Flanders and Brussels. Together with the communities and in collaboration with professional intermediaries we develop, implement and evaluate targeted prevention campaigns. We also support people living with HIV. Profile Volunteers are …

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Muungano annual new year’s diner – 2024

In the cozy ’t Hof van Eden restuarant at Groenpaats, members Muungano peer support group supervised by AT4SH had thier traditional new year’s diner, on Saturday 24/02/24. The diner was attended by 12 members and two kids. A WhatsApp message on the group’s social media platform from one of the participants summarises the benefits of …

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Pilot workshop “Breaking the cycle: confronting HIV-related stigma and discrimination in African communities in real-life situations”

On a sunny Saturday we will pilot the workshop “Breaking the cycle: confronting HIV-related stigma and discrimination in African communities in real situations” in Ghent with 11 participants in collaboration with Basibomoko. Participation was very active, with many relevant questions about the complexity of HIV-related stigma as a social phenomenon. The workshop was rated 8/10, …

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First African communities’ prevention network meeting for 2024 (24/02/2024)

The first African communities’ prevention network was a sucess. The meeting was attended by representatives of our four key organisations – Bilenge, Acasia, Edo Association and Basibomuko and individual volunteers. There was also a good balance in gender and age. The topics of the meeting were: 1. All Together For Sexual Health (AT4SH) as the …

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COBA test Network Annual meeting – Barcelona

From the 24th – 26th January, Ddungu was in Barcelona for the annual meeting of COBA test network. The COBATEST Network links organizations across Europe and Central Asia who offer community-based voluntary counselling and STI/HIV testing (CBVCT) services and promotes testing, early diagnosis and linkage to care in groups/populations that at a high risk of …

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Peer support and learning weekend for people living with HIV

As every year, the Muungano group and Sensoa positieve got together for a weekend of meeting and sharing in Blankenberge from 29/9 to 01/10/23. Coordinated by two professionals from HIV SAM, a total of 22 members of the Muungano group attended the event. The group was made up of a mixed public of different ages …

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Curious about the promotion of sexual health?

Read and discover:

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Curious about sexual health

Read and learn:

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Get your booster vaccin

You are 80+ and want to get your 2nd Covid vaccin ? You can go on following dates to following locations without any hustle and bustle! Stay healthy.

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HIV, just another chronic ilness

Still afraid of HIV? Read some reassuring facts about it. If you still have questions, remarks, suggestions, contact us on

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Want to know what the impact of Covid-19 has been on People living with HIV?

Enjoy reading the article of our ambassador My K. HA, Post Doctoral Researcher at the University of Antwerp, for all questions, remarks, please contact us on

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