Menu HIV-SAM Project · Africans against HIV

Do you want to help us in the fight against HIV

Who are we?
The HIV-SAM Project implements sexual health promotion and prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) including HIV with Sub-Saharan African communities in Flanders and Brussels. Together with the communities and in collaboration with professional intermediaries we develop, implement and evaluate targeted prevention campaigns. We also support people living with HIV.

Volunteers are an important resource for our sexual health promotion and prevention work. Your contribution can mean a lot in the fight against STI’s including HIV. As a volunteer you can contact our target audience in a much more informal way

If you are interested in one of the following, please contact us:
Do you have good contacts with the African communities?
Do you have spare time on weekends and after work?
Are you socially committed?
Do you like talking to people?
Do you have confidence to talk to people about HIV prevention?
Do you have some computer knowledge?
Are you eager to learn new things?
Are you discrete and can you deal with confidential information?

Activities of our volunteers
Depending on your talents and preferences, you can be involved in one or more of following activities:

You support actively sexual health promotion and STI including HIV prevention and activities with sub-Saharan African communities in Flanders.
You can be active in the areas of Antwerp, Brussels, Leuven, Ghent, Aalst, Mechelen, Oostende, Roeselare, Kortrijk and other cities and towns.

You can be involved in outreach activities (festivals, socio-cultural events, social gatherings, …) where you help with handing out prevention material. This can also be on a regular basis in places where people of African decent meet (churches, Afro hairdressers, cafés, African shops,…).

You have contacts with the leaders of several African organizations, and with other volunteers.

You help with the mobilisation of the sub-Saharan communities in order to promote and offer demedicalized HIV testing.


Volunteers stipend
We reimburse possible transportation – and catering cost.
We offer a volunteer fee of minimum 15 euro and maximum 30 euro per day according to the rules of the Belgian volunteer regulations.

Alexandra Storme

+32 478 10 01 61 //

Muungano annual new year’s diner – 2024

In the cozy ’t Hof van Eden restuarant at Groenpaats, members Muungano peer support group supervised by AT4SH had thier traditional new year’s diner, on Saturday 24/02/24. The diner was attended by 12 members and two kids. A WhatsApp message on the group’s social media platform from one of the participants summarises the benefits of …

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Pilot workshop “Breaking the cycle: confronting HIV-related stigma and discrimination in African communities in real-life situations”

On a sunny Saturday we will pilot the workshop “Breaking the cycle: confronting HIV-related stigma and discrimination in African communities in real situations” in Ghent with 11 participants in collaboration with Basibomoko. Participation was very active, with many relevant questions about the complexity of HIV-related stigma as a social phenomenon. The workshop was rated 8/10, …

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First African communities’ prevention network meeting for 2024 (24/02/2024)

The first African communities’ prevention network was a sucess. The meeting was attended by representatives of our four key organisations – Bilenge, Acasia, Edo Association and Basibomuko and individual volunteers. There was also a good balance in gender and age. The topics of the meeting were: 1. All Together For Sexual Health (AT4SH) as the …

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COBA test Network Annual meeting – Barcelona

From the 24th – 26th January, Ddungu was in Barcelona for the annual meeting of COBA test network. The COBATEST Network links organizations across Europe and Central Asia who offer community-based voluntary counselling and STI/HIV testing (CBVCT) services and promotes testing, early diagnosis and linkage to care in groups/populations that at a high risk of …

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Peer support and learning weekend for people living with HIV

As every year, the Muungano group and Sensoa positieve got together for a weekend of meeting and sharing in Blankenberge from 29/9 to 01/10/23. Coordinated by two professionals from HIV SAM, a total of 22 members of the Muungano group attended the event. The group was made up of a mixed public of different ages …

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Curious about the promotion of sexual health?

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Get your booster vaccin

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HIV, just another chronic ilness

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Want to know what the impact of Covid-19 has been on People living with HIV?

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